Jack and Lura Sipe founders of Faith Outreach Center of Middletown PA

Lead Pastor

Jack and Lura Sipe, both received Christ at the same altar in November, 1972.  With a search for the fullness of God, and a servants heart, they were lead into the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in 1983.  Sensing a call on their lives, they began a home Bible Study that ultimately formed into Faith Outreach Center of Middletown, Pa.  They have been faithful and steadfast servants through the years, touching lives all over the globe and they continue to sow into the lives of many, at 80 years of age.

Assistant Pastors

Jack and Diane Sipe are currently serving as assistant pastors.  The also serve as worship leaders. Diane was born again at church camp as ten year old girl.  Jack, Jr received Christ at the same altar as his parents seven years later, in August 1979.  Feeling the call of God to help with the church, they served in many different ministries from 1985 – 2007, including worship team, children’s ministry and youth group.  After ten years of service at churches in Dillsburg and Carlisle, they are back to help out here at home.

Children’s Ministers

The children’s ministry is led by the team of Kim Parry and Barb Kugle, both longtime, faithful members of Faith Outreach Center.  Kim specializes in teaching the elementary school age children while Barb is gifted in working with the pre-school children.  They work as a team and are passionate about teaching our next generation the precepts of faith in Jesus Christ.