The Day of the Lord – June 7, 2023

This Day is spoken of by many prophets including Isaiah, Jeremiah and Zephaniah. The twelve disciples questioned Jesus regarding the fulfillment of these prophecies. Finally, this dreaded Day arrives in Revelation chapter 7. Please join Pastor Jack Jr as he presents this interesting and timely study.

Creation – May 24, 2023

If you are a product of the public school system, you will be well acquainted with the theory of evolution. Why is the Creation story so important to our faith? Please listen in as Pastor Jack Sr expounds on this amazing and important aspect of our faith.

Why Tongues ? – May 14, 2023

Pastor Jack Sr continues his series on the Holy Spirit with this extremely important message. Yes, speaking in tongues was the initial sign of being filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Is this still something God uses in the life of a believer? Please listen in and find out.